Dear Parents:
Please find the reading list for the grade your student will be entering in the fall. These will be your student’s first major grades. Each student is required to bring a list of the books read during the summer.
Each student in K5 – 3rd grade is required to complete their entire Summer Reading Blackout Bingo card and one (1) Book Report before the first day of school. *K-5 Parents please read the story with your child and review the questions below with them.
Students in 4th Grade must read at least three books on their list, and complete a book report synopsis for each book.
Students in Grades 5th and 6th must read at least three books on their list (one required book). They will take an Accelerated Reader test over the required book, and will complete a book report synopsis for the other two books.
Students in Grades 7th – 8th must read three books for their Summer Reading credit. Each student MUST READ THE REQUIRED BOOK for his/her grade level and two additional books from the list for his/her grade level and (no more than two books by the same author to count towards Summer Reading credit). Students are to complete the Student Reading Form, as well as the study questions for the Required Summer Reading.
Students will take a short quiz on three of the books read, and give one oral report. Students must know the following information:
Title, Author & number of pages
What the book was about
Your favorite part in the book
Name and description of your favorite character & tell why he/she is your favorite
Would your classmates like it
Happy Reading!